9 Questions for All Learning Professionals in 2011

This week I needed to create a small presentation which could help learning professionals do some forward thinking. I decided to repurpose an earlier keynote given to the Dommel Valley group (you can find that presentation here), strip out many of the slides and record a voice-over including cheesy sound effects.

Please find below 9 non-exhaustive things I see happening in corporate learning in the near future and 9 questions that every Learning Professional in 2011 should ask themselves based on these points. I realise that the presentation might feel rushed (it had to fit in 15 minutes) and that many of the points need more explanation to be sensible to the average reader of this blog. However, I do hope that these questions could prod at least a few learning professionals into action.

[slideshare id=10056684&doc=111026sociallearning-111107071819-phpapp01]

If the embed doesn’t work, find the slidecast on slideshare or download the PDF (2.6 MB).

4 thoughts on “9 Questions for All Learning Professionals in 2011

  1. Hi Hans, thanks for this inspiring presentation. Like the questions. Really made me think and I will take action. (and of course share it with colleagues).Thanks!

  2. Really enjoyed this presentation. Both fun, inspring and useful. Thanks Hans!

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